Address: 5. Adesina Street

Zada Estate, Off Iwaya Road, Lagos.

+2348030785730 | +2348030734560

24/7 Customer Support

Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 17:00pm

Admin Office always open

About us

We are a citadel of knowledge and academic excellence. With a standing track record of high academic performance and influence over the years, our commitment to producing a complete child who is intellectually sound, physically fit, morally upright, and socially adjusted, never waned. As a matter of traditional practice, we...

De-Joyland Prep

Contact school for login detailsOur pre -school is a breeding ground like no other. With the interest of the children and their parents at the centre of our programmes and activities, the prep creates a haven convenient for purposes of learning and socializing. As a result-oriented school, we keep parents...

De-Joyland Nursery

Contact school for login detailsLike tiny grains scattered in a King's garden, we provide the best of nursery education for children ages 3-5 years old. We give no sleep to our eyes in nurturing the inherent qualities in our tender kids, thereby preparing them for the primary education ahead with...

De-Joyland Primary

Contact school for login detailsBeing the third level in the academic strata in our school, we invest heavily in the upbringing of these class of students. Knowing full well the global demand in terms of the wealth of knowledge a person possesses, we strive without lagging behind to create a...

Welcome to Dejoyland School Online Portal

Dejoyland School Online Portal

Parent and students can now access the entire academic session online, pay school fees, make class inquires, view exam time table, print certificates and results with other great features

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2018 graduation ceremony @ De Joyland Schools.

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